Nantucket Resource Partnership (NRP)

A 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose purpose is to create a truly food-secure Nantucket. NRP fosters collaboration between island organizations to create an efficient and sustainable food security system. We are an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 87-4774090.

Latest News

NRP News: Facing a Winter of Urgent Need

Many year-round Nantucket residents struggle with high living costs, often forcing tough choices between essentials and food. Local food programs are currently facing unprecedented demand and without more funding, they risk falling short. Our food insecurity programs island-wide are stretched thin; waitlists are in the hundreds and continue to grow. We’re hearing from social service agencies

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Nourishing Nantucket

We run the Nourishing Nantucket program in partnership with Pip & Anchor to provide a box full of fresh, local food to food insecure members of this community. We want to ensure that families and individuals have the nourishment they need to be healthy and thrive.

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